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Immediate Dismissal without Notice - What to Do as an Employee

Writer: Sheraz Khan BalochSheraz Khan Baloch
Immediate Dismissal

Whatever the circumstances, getting immediate dismissal without notice is a devastating event for anyone. Undoubtedly, it is a complex and emotional time for you. We know that with this dramatic change in life, it is difficult for you to comprehend this condition initially. According to the Pew Research Centre, 56% of unemployed people experience increasing mental and emotional conditions such as anxiety, depression, etc.

However, dealing with this problem professionally can make this process easier and positively impact your future life. Here, we’ll share some steps that can help you to recover from this phase and get back into the job market.

Continue reading to explore the key features of this article first.


An Article From Our UK Contributor.


Key Features:

  • Dismissal without notice means a breach of the contract signed between employer and employee at the time of joining.

  • Managers can only dismiss any employee because of valid reasons, such as gross misconduct.

  • Getting dismissed without any notice is certainly a difficult phase for you, but you can overcome this condition by following some steps.

  • These steps include finding out the actual reason for your dismissal, learning other opportunities, saying goodbye on good terms, taking some time, updating your resume, applying for new jobs, and polishing your skills.

I. What does Dismissed Without Notice Mean?

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Dismissed without notice means terminating the contract between employer and employee with immediate effect. The employer can issue this immediate dismissal without notice only if he has a valid reason, such as gross misconduct. As per the Siftbase report, in the UK, there are 15000 unfair dismissal applications lodged each year.

Below are some more reasons for this sack.

  • Theft or fraud

  • Refusal to work

  • Poor performance

  • Structural and financial changes in the company

  • Deceit during the job application

When an employee being dismissed without notice, he may:

  • Leave immediately

  • Don’t get notice pay.

  • Don’t have to serve a notice period.

If you are fired because of any reason that we have mentioned above, don’t lose heart. We have some ways that you can follow to get out of this condition successfully. Read further down to explore these steps.

However, in Ontario, even if you feel you have a legitimate reason to fire an employer for cause, it may or may not be upheld in Court in a wrongful dismissal case.

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II. 8 Steps to Do if You Are Dismissed from Your Job

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Indeed, losing a job can be stressful. Many people are confused about what they should do after getting an instant dismissal. Regardless of the reason, they must remain positive and handle this condition professionally. It is better to use this time for relaxing, getting personal growth, and reevaluating career goals. Knowing some steps that must be followed after getting fired can make this process easier.

In this section, the experts of The Academic Papers UK have enlisted some essential steps that you must follow to get out of this difficult time. Let’s start.

1. Find Out Why Company Fired You

The first thing you must do after being fired is ask your manager why the company made this harsh decision. We know that it is a difficult discussion, but it is essential as well. If you are terminated because of your performance, it is necessary to identify your weak areas and work on them for a bright future.

If the reason for your firing is not related to your performance, then find out the actual reason. Sometimes, structural or financial changes in the company’s policies may be the reasons for cutting down the size of staff. If this is the reason, then you can use this information to get the next job opportunity. When you receive your termination email, take a deep breath, relax, and professionally talk with your boss.

2. Ask for Other Opportunities

If you are being fired due to downsizing or budget cutting and your company’s management is happy with your performance, you may ask the employer for the opportunity in any other department. You can ask your manager to issue a recommendation letter for the position available in another department.

If your termination is due to poor performance or a lack of required skills, you can ask your employer if they may rehire you after you improve professionally. But if management says there is no position for you, simply respect their decision and leave the organisation.

3. Talk About the Terms for Your Departure

After getting confirmation that there is no chance of regaining the job in your current company, it is good to talk about your departure terms. If you are being fired due to circumstances which are out of your control, then you may reclaim the redundancy fund. Also, hire a solicitor to review and handle the legal documents that your company ask you to sign.

Moreover, when you get a final salary check, ensure the following things:

  • All the salary or pay you owe.

  • ‘Pay in lieu of notice’ if you are not working the notice period.

  • Any bonus that you are entitled to before the termination

  • Pay for allowed holidays that you were not taken before this dismissal.


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4. Leave on Good Terms

Whatever the circumstance, always leave your previous company on good terms. Say a friendly goodbye to your manager or co-workers, as you may rely on them for a reference letter in the future. Furthermore, don’t leave abruptly. Ask your manager about the projects on which you are working and report them about your unfinished tasks.

It is also good to say goodbye to the vendor or client you were working with personally. Also, thanks to your manager and upper management for the opportunity. Say goodbye in kind words to other employees with whom you have had a good time. This professional attitude will help you to foster a positive attitude and leave a positive impression on your colleagues.

5. Take Some Time for Yourself

It doesn’t matter whether the immediate dismissal without notice was fair or unfair; what matters is how instantly and positively you accept this situation. We know it is hard for you, but you have to face reality. For this, it is good to take some time to relax and reflect on your current scenario before applying for a new job.

You might write down your strengths and weaknesses on a paper, evaluate what tasks you were best at the previous company, and what industries or roles appeal to you. Like updating your CV and preparing for the next job interview, this self-reading is also imperative for your career growth in the future.

6. Update Your Resume

After self-reading, you know where you stand, so it is a perfect time to search for a new job. Before embarking on this journey, let's first update your resume. Add the details about the previous job for which you were dismissed. Also, mention any unique skill that you have obtained during this job.

This process will help you refer back to the job posting that sounds relevant to you. If you are thinking of applying for a position entirely different from your previous job, you must create a new resume and add relevant expertise and skills.

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7. Find a New Job

Once you update your resume, start finding new jobs. According to a report by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 7.4 million job openings at the end of September 2024. The job market is booming worldwide, so there are higher chances of getting a new job.

 If you enjoyed your previous job and want to pursue your career in that field, start searching for jobs that match your expertise and skills. You can use digital apps to search for the most relevant jobs. On these apps, there are various filters available that you can use to target the right job type.

If you want to switch your career path, look for jobs that sound interesting and enjoyable, read the job description, and research them. You can also get additional training and education that are required for this job; just make sure before making any decision.

8. Improve Your Skills

Searching for a new job might be a great time to overcome the weaknesses that you had in your previous job. You can work on improving your technical skills by enrolling in a course that helps you improve your technical expertise. You can also improve your soft skills, such as communication or body language, by volunteering in an organization related to your industry.

To identify the skills, you need to improve or learn, start by reviewing the job postings for roles you're interested in. These postings often highlight the key competencies employers seek. Many universities support skill development by offering technical courses designed to prepare students for professional life.

During these courses, teachers assign tasks and projects that help broaden students' knowledge and expertise. For additional support in managing academic workloads, students seek assistance from trusted assignment writing websites in the UK to complete their tasks efficiently while focusing on skill-building and career preparation.

III. Legal Remedies

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As previously stated, it is not uncommon for an employee to file a wrongful dismissal claim when he or she believes the termination was unfair, due to insufficient workplace investigation, or because the punishment of summary dismissal was not proportional to the employee's alleged misconduct.

The remedy for wrongful dismissal is an award of damages equivalent to the wages and contractual rights (benefits) that the employee would have earned during the applicable notice period, less specified deductions such as mitigation earnings.

Employees with fixed-term employment contracts are not subject to the Duty to Mitigate. If an employee is terminated before the fixed term contract finishes, the employer is liable for paying the outstanding sum.

However, an indeterminate / permanent employee who has been wrongfully terminated must make a reasonable and serious attempt to mitigate and seek re-employment. In wrongful dismissal cases, damages may be lowered if such attempts are not established. So, we strongly advise you to follow the eight stages outlined above and keep a comprehensive job search notebook to document your journey and efforts in finding alternative work.

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Getting immediate dismissal without notice can be stressful and hard, especially when the situation is mishandled badly. Life is full of ups and downs, so if this happens to you, don’t lose heart. You must handle this challenging situation positively and professionally.

There are ways to tackle this difficult situation, including finding out the actual reason for your dismissal, learning about other opportunities, saying goodbye on good terms, taking some time, updating your resume, applying for new jobs, and polishing your skills. Don’t panic about your instant termination; stay calm, and follow these steps to tackle this situation professionally.

You may want to consult with an experienced employment law firm, such as HTW Law, to learn about your employment law rights and your legal options.

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With the right legal support, employees can navigate the challenges of unfair practices and work towards a more equitable and respectful work environment. 

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You don't have to fight the battle alone. Speaking with an employment lawyer who is familiar with the laws and regulations regarding workplace harassment and disability discrimination, wrongful dismissal and constructive dismissal will go a long way. If you are in doubt, it's essential that you reach out for help as soon as possible right away.

Click here to contact HTW Law - Employment Lawyer for assistance and legal consultation.

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