Employment Law Frequently Asked Questions:
COVID-19 Related | Employment Law FAQs |
Wrongful Dismissal FAQs|Severance Pay FAQs|
Harassment & Discrimination FAQs |
During the COVID-19 pandemic, INFECTIOUS DISEASE EMERGENCY LEAVE (IDEL), O. Reg. 228/20 was introduced. It's a confusing time during the pandemic and everyone could use a little help. Covid-19 has reshaped the landscape of employment law. There are many legislative changes regarding employment laws during this unprecedented time.
Employment lawyers advise employees & employers on provincial, federal employment law statutes, legislation and jurisprudence. Employment Law Frequently asked Questions:
Wrongful Dismissal lawyers assist their employees with the wrongful dismissal claim against the employers. Wrongful Dismissal Frequently asked Questions:
Amount of severance pay you get depends on several factors.
Severance Pay Frequently Asked Questions:
Constructive dismissal is contractual breach that employer makes fundamental unilateral change to the contract. Frequently Asked Questions:
Harassment and Discrimination FAQs:
You don’t need a contract if you don't care about money. You don’t need an employment contract if you don’t care about employment protection. Employment Contract FAQs:
Federally regulated employees aka federal workers are governed by the Canada Labour Code, R.S.C., 1985, c. L-2 (the “CLC”). Federal Workers Frequently Asked Questions:
Defamation refers to harming reputation of another by making a false written or oral statement about that person to a third party in public. Defamation focus on repaying those harmed by false statement. Defamation FAQs:
A Class Action in employment law context is a civil action brought by one or more representative plaintiff on behalf of a larger group of victims (“class members”) for matters involving common defendant(s) involving the same transaction or related transactions. Class Action FAQs: